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How to adjust the focus on your Green Feathers Bird Box CameraUpdated 7 months ago

So you've just bought your new Green Feathers Bird Box Camera, you've got it set up and connected, but the picture is blurry. Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with your camera, you just need to adjust the focus.

This guide shows you how to adjust the focus on your camera, whether you have a wired, wireless, WiFi or wired IP camera. We use a wireless camera as an example but the process is exactly the same for all our bird box cameras (with one exception, which we'll come on to later). 

Before You Begin

Ideally, you'll have the camera mounted in your bird box but accessible and close to your device with the camera feed, so you can set the focus exactly as you need it.

If you have an IP or WiFi bird box camera pictured below, watch out for the plastic ring on the lens, this may need to be loosened when the lens is being turned clockwise:

If your camera has a screw in the side or in the top of the lens, then there is one extra step.

You will notice there is a small screw above the lens; this is to keep the lens in place once the correct focus has been achieved. To adjust the focus simply loosen the screw until you feel the lens turn without resistance. Once the lens is correctly focused then tighten the screw to hold it in place.

Let's Get Started

Whilst looking at the camera feed, simply twist the lens to adjust the focus. If the camera lens is facing toward you, turning it clockwise will make it focus on objects farther away, and turning it anticlockwise will make it focus on objects closer to the camera.

If you can't see the feed while you're adjusting the lens you'll have to use trial and error which will take longer. 

You can instead measure the height of your bird box with a ruler, then place the camera at the end of the ruler and focus on the height mark of your bird box, minus 5cm or so for the length of the bracket on the camera, and maybe another few centimeters to account for nest material at the bottom of the box. 

For example, if your camera is mounted on the roof of your bird box which is 30cm tall, with 2cm of material at the bottom, then you will need to make sure the camera is focused on the 23cm mark when placed at the end of the ruler.

Need more help?

If you need help with anything else please check out our other guides or get in contact.

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