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Disabling H.265 video on a Wi-Fi bird box camera using a computerUpdated 8 months ago

This guide will show you how to disable the 'H.265' format which some of our new cameras have been recording to by default, which has been stopping people from sharing their videos. 

Unfortunately this feature has been removed from the app itself so you will need to add the camera to your PC to disable it. But if you have already got the camera set up on your phone this will only take a few minutes!

Before You Begin

  • Make sure that your camera is connected to your network and set it up on iCSee Pro or XMEye.
  • Make sure that your computer is connected to the same network as the camera.
  • Download the program VMS (for Windows) or VMS(for Macs).

Let's Get Started

Open VMS and go to the "device config" tab

Now make sure that you have selected the camera on the left side of the window (this is circled in blue below, you may need to click the arrow next to 'Default Group' to reveal it), then select 'Encode Config'.

Now, under 'Main Stream', select H.264 instead of H.265. The program may instead show H.265x instead of H.264, in that case select H.265x.

Now click 'Apply' at the bottom of the page. The camera will now need to restart, but once that has been done the settings should apply.

Unfortunately this does not apply to videos previously recorded but it will allow all future videos to be shared. If you want share a previously made video please use this guide to make a 'snip' of your previously recorded videos, the snipped video will be recorded in H.264 format and can then be shared. 

We hope you have found this guide useful. If you are unable to do this or you don't have a computer, or you have followed the guide and the compression option isn't here or cannot be changed, please use this guide to find the serial number of the camera and get in contact. Please send the serial number of the camera, the password (if you have set one), a brief description of what went wrong and ensure that you include 'H265 error' in the subject of your message.

Need more help?

If you need help with anything else please check out our other guides or get in contact.

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